Presentations (in Danish) from meeting with the
reference group on 28 October 2015, Danish Technological Institute,
Taastrup, Denmark
Velkomst - Søren L. Poulsen (in
New model for chloride penetration into concrete -
Henrik E. Sørensen
Kvalitetskontrol af back-filling grout - Mock-up
med tunnelelement fra Storebæltsforbindelsen - Allan S. Hansen (in
Samspil mellem indre og ydre frostskader i beton -
Andreas B. Elbrønd and Einar N. Andreassen, Technical University of
Denmark (in Danish)
Revision af håndbog og app om tilstandsvurderinger af
betonkonstruktioner - Morten H. Petersen (in Danish)
Laboratorieforsøg med bestemmelse af "langtidssvind" i beton -
Tine Aarre
Mock-up til verifikation af temperaturberegning i
betonkonstruktioner - Tine Aarre (in Danish)
Nyt koncept for design af betonkonstruktioners
holdbarhed på vej fra arbejdsgruppe under CEN - Christian
Munch-Petersen, Emcon A/S (in Danish)
Videreførelse af aktiviteter gennem ny
resultatkontrakt - Dorthe Mathiesen (in Danish)
Presentations (in Danish) from meeting with the
reference group on 28 October 2013, Danish Technological Institute,
Taastrup, Denmark
Essential results from the previous performance
contract period
Experiences regarding participation in the
reference group
Scope and milestones of the performance contract
regarding concrete
A new guide for conditions assessment
Service life predictions
Roads and pavements
Presentations from meeting with the reference group on
30 November 2012, Danish Technological Institute, Taastrup,
Welcome and introduction
Midterm presentation of a coupled transport and
chemical model for durability predictions
Tool for quantification of chloride binding
Midterm presentation of numerical modeling of
reinforcement corrosion in cracked concrete
Development of properties_Example of practical
Development of properties_Microscopic
Long-term durability of concrete in marine
Birth certificates for concrete
Outcome from a workshop between DTU_Stanford
University_NTNU and DTI
Presentations from meeting with the reference group on
28 March 2012, Danish Technological Institute, Taastrup,
General Introduction
Numerical modeling of service life
Model for chloride binding
Transport modeling
Influence of curing temperature on the development
of properties
Concrete cracking related to reinforcement
corrosion_Part I
Concrete cracking related to reinforcement
corrosion_Part II